
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

About This Game. LOVERS IN A DANGEROUS SPACETIME is a frantic 1- to 4-player couch co-op action space shooter. Explore a colorful galaxy in a massive neon ...

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

Set inside a neon Spaceship, players work together manning Turrets, lasers, Shields and Thrusters to fight Robots, save animals, and stave off a vacuumy demise.

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: 1- to 4-Player Co

Explore a neon galaxy in your very own battleship in Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, a thrilling 1- to 4-player couch co-op adventure. Only through teamwork ...

Steam 上的Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

“Reminds me of why I love video games.” 10/10 – Destructoid “One of the most imaginative, enjoyable and beautifully designed shooters of modern times.” 9/10 ...


AboutThisGame.LOVERSINADANGEROUSSPACETIMEisafrantic1-to4-playercouchco-opactionspaceshooter.Exploreacolorfulgalaxyinamassiveneon ...,SetinsideaneonSpaceship,playersworktogethermanningTurrets,lasers,ShieldsandThrusterstofightRobots,saveanimals,andstaveoffavacuumydemise.,ExploreaneongalaxyinyourveryownbattleshipinLoversinaDangerousSpacetime,athrilling1-to4-playercouchco-opadventure.Onlythroughte...